Scientific program

Download ICP2023 Programme HERE


Six topics covering polyphenol research

  • Topic 1: Structure, reactivity & synthesis
  • Topic 2: Bioactivity, bioavailability & microbiota
  • Topic 3: Metabolomics, targeted analysis & big data
  • Topic 4: Processing, sensory properties, safety & regulatory
  • Topic 5: Biogenesis and functions in plants & ecosystems
  • Topic 6: Biomaterials, green chemistry & circular bioeconomy

Invited Plenary Talks

The Scientific Committee has invited two plenary talks per each scientific topic: see Keynote Speakers

An Opening Lecture will be presented by  Dr. Véronique Cheynier (France).

One additional plenary lecture will be given by Prof. Cathie Martins, the winner of the GROUPE POLYPHENOLS Scientific Prize in 2023

33 Oral communications in plenary sessions

Oral presentations lasting 15 minutes each and covering the 6 scientific themes of the conference will present the recent results of polyphenol research

54 Young scientists oral communications in parallel sessions

Specific young scientist sessions are proposed offering opportunities to PhD students and Postdocs to have oral communications in an international conference.

175 posters displayed throughout the conference

Possibility is given to presenters to display their poster from monday morning to thursday lunchtime. Two specific poster sessions are scheduled on monday (for topic 1,2 and 3) and tuesday (for topic 4,5 and 6) in the afternoon.

Flash poster sessions

Among abstracts retained for poster presentation, five per topic have been selected for a 3 min flash presentation in the plenary sessions.

Some pre-registered videos of the Flash poster presentation are available HERE

Program schedule

provisary schedule


Detailled program

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